Read the extract and answer the following questions.


Andrew handed her the child. He felt weak and dazed. About him the room lay in a shuddering litter: blankets, towels, basins, soiled instruments, the hypodermic syringe impaled by its point in the linoleum, the ewer knocked over, the kettle on its side in a puddle of water. Upon the huddled bed the mother still dreamed her way quietly through the anaesthetic. The old woman still stood against the wall. But her hands were together, her lips moved without sound.


Birth - Extract based questions (5) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

Who is the 'her' in the first sentence of the extract?

  1. The child
  2. The nurse
  3. The mother
  4. The old woman


Answer as written by the student:

(b) The nurse

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the 'her' in the first sentence of the extract. 🕵️‍♂️
  • The first sentence of the extract tells us that Andrew handed her the child. This means that he gave something or someone to someone else who is a female. 🙋‍♀️
  • The previous extract tells us that Andrew gave the child to the nurse and turned his attention to Susan Morgan who was in a desperate state. This means that Andrew gave something or someone to someone else who is a female and who is a nurse. 🩺
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can conclude that the 'her' in the first sentence of the extract is the nurse. ✔️

Question (ii)

What does the phrase 'shuddering litter' imply about the condition of the room?

  1. The room was cold and dirty
  2. The room was chaotic and messy
  3. The room was dark and scary
  4. The room was small and crowded


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CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo