English Class 11
Snapshot - Chapters (Literature)

Read the extract and answer the following questions.


Under the arch he lost his crown. 

The arch was built too low. A frown 

Appeared upon his placid face. 

The King said, ‘This is a disgrace.

The chief of builders will be hanged.’ 

The rope and gallows were arranged

. The chief of builders was led out.

 He passed the King. He gave a shout,

(The tale of the Melon city)

The Tale of the Melon city - Extract based questions - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What is the name of the king who lost his crown?

  1. The King of Melon City
  2. The King of Watermelon City
  3. The King of Pumpkin City
  4. The King of Cucumber City


Answer as written by the student:

(a) The King of Melon City

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the name of the king who lost his crown in the extract. 🕵️‍♂️
  • The first sentence of the extract tells us that he lost his crown under the arch. This means that he was wearing a crown and that he was passing under an arch. 👑
  • The title of the chapter tells us that the tale is about the melon city. This means that the story is set in a city that is related to melons. 🍉
  • The previous part of the chapter tells us that the king was very just and placid and that he ordered to build a splendid monument in the centre of the city to celebrate his victory over enemies. This means that he was a ruler of a city and that he had won a war. 👑
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can conclude that the name of the king who lost his crown is the King of Melon City. ✔️

Question (ii)

What does the phrase 'placid face' imply about the king's personality?

  1. He was calm and peaceful
  2. He was angry and violent
  3. He was sad and depressed
  4. He was happy and cheerful


Answer as written by the student:

(a) He was calm and peaceful

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the phrase 'placid face' means and how it relates to the king's personality in the extract. 📚
  • The word "placid" means not easily upset or excited; calm and steady; or pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed. It implies that we need to focus on the emotional or mental aspect of the phrase. 😌
  • The word "face" means the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal; or an expression shown on this part; or a person's appearance or reputation; or a surface or side of something, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function. It implies that we need to focus on the visual or physical aspect of the phrase. 😊
  •  Therefore, the phrase 'placid face' means an expression shown on the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin that is not easily upset or excited; calm and steady; or pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed. 🥰
  • This implies something about the king's personality in the extract. It suggests that he was calm and peaceful, not easily upset or excited by anything. It also suggests that he was steady and tranquil, not disturbed or troubled by anything. 😇
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can say that the phrase 'placid face' implies that the king's personality was calm and peaceful. ✔️

Question (iii)

Complete the sentence appropriately.

The word "disgrace" means ____________.


Answer as written by the student:

The word "disgrace" means loss of reputation or respect; or shame or dishonor.

Step-by-step explanation:

  •  To answer this question, we need to understand what the word "disgrace" means and how to complete the sentence appropriately. 📚
  • The word "disgrace" means loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action; or a person or thing regarded as shameful and unacceptable; or bring shame or discredit on someone or something. It implies that we need to focus on the moral or social aspect of the word. 😳
  • Therefore, to complete the sentence appropriately, we need to use a word or phrase that describes the moral or social aspect of something or someone that is disgraceful. 🙌
  • The word or phrase that best describes the moral or social aspect of something or someone that is disgraceful is loss of reputation or respect; or shame or dishonor. This word or phrase captures the idea that something or someone that is disgraceful is not respected or admired by others; or feels ashamed or guilty for doing something wrong. 😔
  • Therefore, based on this clue, we can complete the sentence appropriately by saying that the word "disgrace" means loss of reputation or respect; or shame or dishonor. ✔️

Question (iv)

Identify the line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the king was not fair or just.


Answer as written by the student:

The line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the king was not fair or just is "The King said, ‘This is a disgrace. The chief of builders will be hanged.’"

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the line from the text that supports the fact that the king was not fair or just. 🔎
  • The word "evidence" means facts or information that indicate or prove something. It implies that we need to find a specific sentence or phrase from the text that shows or confirms something. 📝
  • The word "fact" means something that is true or real. It implies that we need to find a line from the text that is based on reality and not on opinion or inference. 📌
  • The fact that we need to support is that the king was not fair or just. This means that we need to find evidence that shows that he was not treating someone equally or impartially; or not acting in accordance with what is morally right or reasonable. ⚖️
  • The line from the text that bears evidence to this fact is "The King said, ‘This is a disgrace. The chief of builders will be hanged.’" This line shows that he was not treating someone equally or impartially; or not acting in accordance with what is morally right or reasonable. It shows that he blamed and punished someone else for his own mistake; he lost his crown because he ordered to build an arch too low, not because of the chief of builders. It also shows that he gave a harsh and cruel sentence to someone without giving them a chance to defend themselves or explain their situation. 😡
  • Therefore, based on this evidence, we can identify this line as the one that bears evidence to the fact that the king was not fair or just. ✔️

Question (v)

What does the term 'gave a shout' indicate about the chief of builder's emotion?


Answer as written by the student:

The term 'gave a shout' indicates that the chief of builder's emotion was surprise or fear.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the term 'gave a shout' means and how it relates to the chief of builder's emotion in the extract. 🗣️
  • The word "gave" means provided, supplied, granted, bestowed, presented, offered, donated, contributed, handed over etc. It implies that we need to focus on the action or gesture of something or someone. 🎁
  • The word "shout" means a loud cry expressing emotion such as anger, pain, surprise, joy etc.; or an act of uttering such a cry; or say something very loudly; call out; yell etc. It implies that we need to focus on the sound or expression of something or someone. 🔊
  • Therefore, the term 'gave a shout' means provided, supplied, granted, bestowed, presented, offered, donated, contributed, handed over etc., a loud cry expressing emotion such as anger, pain, surprise, joy etc.; or an act of uttering such a cry; or said something very loudly; called out; yelled etc. 🙀
  • This indicates something about the chief of builder's emotion in the extract. It suggests that he was feeling a strong emotion that made him cry out loud. It also suggests that he was feeling an emotion that was unexpected or sudden. 😮
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can say that the term 'gave a shout' indicates that the chief of builder's emotion was surprise or fear. ✔️

Question (vi)

Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?

  1. A King's Misfortune and Fury
  2. A King's Adventure and Fun
  3. A King's Wisdom and Generosity
  4. A King's Pride and Humility


Answer as written by the student:

(a) A King's Misfortune and Fury

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract. 🗞️
  • The word "headline" means a short phrase or sentence that summarizes the main point or theme of a text. It implies that we need to find a concise and catchy way to express the essence or message of the extract. 📣
  • The word "central idea" means the most important or essential thought or concept that a text conveys. It implies that we need to find the main purpose or intention of the extract. 🎯
  • The central idea of the extract is that a king who loses his crown under an arch gets angry and orders to hang the chief of builders, who shouts when he passes by the king. This means that we need to find a headline that captures this idea in a simple and effective way. 🙌
  • The headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract is A. A King's Misfortune and Fury. This headline summarizes the main point of the extract, which is that a king faces a misfortune and reacts with fury. It also creates interest and curiosity in the reader, who would want to know more about what happens next and how the story ends. 🤩
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can choose A. A King's Misfortune and Fury as the headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract. ✔️
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CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo