Read the extract and answer the following questions.


As he gazed at the still form a shiver of horror passed over Andrew. After all that he had promised! His face, heated with his own exertions, chilled suddenly. He hesitated, torn between his desire to attempt to resuscitate the child, and his obligation towards the mother, who was herself in a desperate state. The dilemma was so urgent he did not solve it consciously. Blindly, instinctively, he gave the child to the nurse and turned his attention to Susan Morgan who now lay collapsed, almost pulseless, and not yet out of the ether, upon her side. His haste was desperate, a frantic race against her ebbing strength. 


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Question (i)

What is the name of the mother who is in a desperate state?

  1. Andrew
  2. Susan
  3. Morgan
  4. Susan Morgan


Answer as written by the student:

(d) Susan Morgan

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the name of the mother who is in a desperate state in the extract. 🕵️‍♂️
  • The first sentence of the extract tells us that Andrew is the doctor who gazed at the still form of the child. This means that Andrew is not the mother, but the doctor. ❌
  • The last sentence of the extract tells us that Susan Morgan is the one who now lay collapsed, almost pulseless, and not yet out of the ether, upon her side. This means that Susan Morgan is the one who is in a desperate state, and that she is a woman. ✅
  • The previous extract tells us that Morgan's wife was pregnant and about to give birth before time. This means that Morgan's wife is the mother of the child, and that she is a woman. ✅
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can conclude that the name of the mother who is in a desperate state is Susan Morgan. ✔️

Question (ii)

What does the phrase 'still form' refer to in the extract?

  1. The child
  2. The nurse
  3. The mother
  4. The doctor


Answer as written by the student:

(a) The child

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the phrase 'still form' means and how it relates to one of the characters in the extract. 📚
  • The word "still" means not moving or making a sound; motionless or silent. It implies that we need to focus on the physical aspect of the phrase. 🛑
  • The word "form" means the shape or appearance of something or someone; body or figure. It implies that we need to focus on the visual aspect of the phrase. 👀
  •  Therefore, the phrase 'still form' means the shape or appearance of something or someone that is not moving or making a sound; a motionless or silent body or figure. 🤫
  • This refers to the child in the extract. The first sentence of the extract tells us that Andrew gazed at the still form and felt a shiver of horror. This means that he was looking at something or someone that was not moving or making a sound and that made him feel scared or shocked. 😱
  • The second sentence of the extract tells us that he gave the child to the nurse and turned his attention to Susan Morgan who was in a desperate state. This means that he was holding something or someone that he could give to someone else and that he had to choose between two patients who needed his help. 😥
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can say that the phrase 'still form' refers to the child in the extract. ✔️

Question (iii)

 Complete the sentence appropriately.

The word "dilemma" means a situation that requires ____________.


Answer as written by the student:

The word "dilemma" means a situation that requires a difficult choice.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the word "dilemma" means and how to complete the sentence appropriately. 📚
  • The word "dilemma" means a situation or problem that involves two or more options or alternatives that are equally unfavorable or undesirable. It implies that someone has to make a decision that is hard or unpleasant. 🤷‍♂️
  • Therefore, to complete the sentence appropriately, we need to use a word or phrase that describes the type of choice that a dilemma requires. 🙌
  • The word or phrase that best describes the type of choice that a dilemma requires is a difficult choice. This word or phrase captures the idea that a dilemma involves making a decision that is not easy or simple, but rather challenging or complicated. 😓
  • Therefore, based on this clue, we can complete the sentence appropriately by saying that the word "dilemma" means a situation that requires a difficult choice. ✔️

Question (iv)

Identify the line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the doctor had made a promise to someone.


Answer as written by the student:

The line from the text that bears evidence to the fact that the doctor had made a promise to someone is "After all that he had promised!"

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the line from the text that supports the fact that the doctor had made a promise to someone. 🔎
  • The word "evidence" means facts or information that indicate or prove something. It implies that we need to find a specific sentence or phrase from the text that shows or confirms something. 📝
  •  The word "fact" means something that is true or real. It implies that we need to find a line from the text that is based on reality and not on opinion or inference. 📌
  •  The fact that we need to support is that the doctor had made a promise to someone. This means that we need to find evidence that shows that he had said or done something to assure or guarantee something to someone else. 💬
  •  The line from the text that bears evidence to this fact is "After all that he had promised!" This line shows that he had said or done something to assure or guarantee something to someone else, and that he was feeling regretful or guilty about it. This line also uses an exclamation mark, which indicates strong emotion or emphasis. 😔
  •  Therefore, based on this evidence, we can identify this line as the one that bears evidence to the fact that the doctor had made a promise to someone. ✔️

Question (v)

What does the term 'frantic race' indicate about the doctor's actions?


Answer as written by the student:

The term 'frantic race' indicates that the doctor's actions were fast and desperate.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to understand what the term 'frantic race' means and how it relates to the doctor's actions. 🏃‍♂️
  • The word "frantic" means wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion. It implies that someone is acting in a very excited or nervous way, without thinking clearly or calmly. 😱
  • The word "race" means a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is the fastest in covering a set course; or an act of running quickly or hurriedly in a specified direction. It implies that someone is moving very fast or trying to beat someone else or something else in speed. 🏁
  • Therefore, the term 'frantic race' means a competition or an act of running quickly or hurriedly in a wild or distraught way. 🤯
  • This indicates that the doctor's actions were fast and desperate. It suggests that he was doing something very quickly and urgently, without much time or hope. It also suggests that he was feeling very fearful, anxious, or emotional about his situation. 😰
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can say that the term 'frantic race' indicates that the doctor's actions were fast and desperate. ✔️

Question (vi)

Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?

  1. A Doctor's Tragic Failure
  2. A Doctor's Difficult Choice
  3. A Doctor's Heroic Effort
  4. A Doctor's Ethical Dilemma


Answer as written by the student:

(b) A Doctor's Difficult Choice

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract. 🗞️
  • The word "headline" means a short phrase or sentence that summarizes the main point or theme of a text. It implies that we need to find a concise and catchy way to express the essence or message of the extract. 📣
  • The word "central idea" means the most important or essential thought or concept that a text conveys. It implies that we need to find the main purpose or intention of the extract. 🎯
  • The central idea of the extract is that a doctor who feels horror at the still form of the child has to choose between trying to resuscitate the child and saving the mother who is in a desperate state. This means that we need to find a headline that captures this idea in a simple and effective way. 🙌
  • The headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract is B. A Doctor's Difficult Choice. This headline summarizes the main point of the extract, which is that a doctor has to make a hard decision between two patients who need his help. It also creates interest and curiosity in the reader, who would want to know what the doctor chooses and what the consequences are. 🤩
  • Therefore, based on these clues, we can choose B. A Doctor's Difficult Choice as the headline that best suggests the central idea of the extract. ✔️
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo