English Class 12
Vistas - Chapters (Literature)

Read the extract and answer the following questions.


Even otherwise, there were the coffee clubs in the bazaar: the way each waiter cooled the coffee, lifting a tumbler high up and pouring its contents into a tumbler held in his other hand. Or the way some people sat in front of the shops chopping up onion, their eyes turned elsewhere so that they would not smart. Or the almond tree growing there and its fruit which was occasionally blown down by the wind. All these sights taken together would tether my legs and stop me from going home.

(Memories of childhood)

Memories of Childhood - Extract Based Questions (5)- Teachoo.png

Question (i)

What is the main setting of the extract?


Answer as written by the student:

 The main setting of the extract is the bazaar.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • The setting of a text is the time and place where the events and actions take place.
  • To identify the main setting of the extract, we need to look for clues that indicate where and when the narrator is describing.
  • Some clues that suggest that the main setting of the extract is the bazaar are:
  •    She says that there were coffee clubs in the bazaa r, which shows that she was in a public and commercial area where people gathered and socialized.
  •    She says that some people sat in front of the shops chopping up onion, which shows that she was in a busy and lively area where people sold and bought goods.
  •    She says that there was an almond tree growing there and its fruit which was occasionally blown down by the wind, which shows that she was in a natural and pleasant area where plants and animals existed.

Question (ii)

 Why did the narrator enjoy watching the coffee clubs in the bazaar in the extract?

  1. Because she liked drinking coffee
  2. Because she liked cooling coffee
  3. Because she liked lifting tumblers
  4. Because she liked seeing skills


Answer as written by the student:

(d) Because she liked seeing skills

Step-by-step explanation:

  • To answer this question, we need to look for evidence in the extract that supports one of the given options.
  • The option that is supported by the extract is D. Because she liked seeing skills.
  • Some evidence that shows that the narrator enjoyed watching the coffee clubs in the bazaar because she liked seeing skills are:
  •    She says that she watched the way each waiter cooled the coffee , lifting a tumbler high up and pouring its contents into a tumbler held in his other hand, which shows that she was impressed and fascinated by their technique and ability.
  •    She does not mention any other reason for watching the coffee clubs, such as liking coffee, cooling coffee, or lifting tumblers, which implies that these were not her main motives or interests.

Question (iii)

Complete the sentence appropriately.

The extract belongs to the genre of _______________.


Answer as written by the student:

The extract belongs to the genre of memoir.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • The genre of a text is the category or type of literature that it belongs to, based on its form, style, content, and theme.
  • To identify the genre of the extract, we need to look for clues that indicate its characteristics and features.
  • Some clues that suggest that the extract belongs to the genre of memoir are:
  •    The use of firstperson narration , which is a common feature of memoir texts.
  •    Th e focus on personal experiences and memories, such as walking home from school and watching various sights and scenes, which are typical of memoir texts.
  •    The portrayal of social events and contexts, such as the coffee clubs, the onion choppers, etc., which create a sense of vividness and detail.

Question (iv) 

Give one reason why the extract can be called a descriptive introduction to the theme.


Answer as written by the student:

One reason why the extract can be called a descriptive introduction to the theme is that it uses sensory details and imagery to convey the narrator's feelings and situation.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • Descriptive means giving a detailed account or picture of something or someone.
  • The theme of a text is the main idea or message that the author wants to convey through their work.
  • To explain why the extract can be called a descriptive introduction to the theme, we need to give an example of how it uses sensory details and imagery to convey the narrator's feelings and situation.
  • One example of how the extract does this is:
  •    It uses sensory details and imagery such as " coffee clubs", "waiter", "tumbler", "onion", "eyes", "almond tree", "fruit", "wind", etc., which appeal to the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound and create a vivid picture of what she sees along her way.
  •    It conveys her feelings and situation such as being happy and carefree while walking home from school ; being amused and intrigued by what she sees along her way; being indifferent and rebellious to any rules or norms that might limit her enjoyment.👁️
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CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo