Social Science CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper for 2023 Boards

Identify the crop with the help of the following information

  • It is a crop which is used both as food and fodder.
  • It is a kharif crop which requires temperature between 21°C to 27°C.
  • It grows well in old alluvial soil.
  • Use of modern inputs have contributed to the increasing production of this crop.


  1. Wheat
  2. Maize
  3. Rice
  4. Sugarcane



So, the correct answer  is (B): Maize



  • Wheat is a  rabi crop and require low temperature ( 20 ° - 25 ° C)
    Thus, wheat is not the correct answer
  • Maize crop is used both as food and fodder . It is a Kharif crop. Temperature suitable for growing maize : 21° C - 27° C. Use of modern inputs have contributed to the increasing production of this crop.
    Maize matches with explanation given in the question.
    Thus , Maize is a correct answer.
  • Rice is a Kharif crop but require  high temperature ( above 25 ° C).
    Thus, rice is not the correct answer
  • Sugarcane is tropical crop and grow in hot and humid climate .
    Thus, sugar is not the correct answer
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.