English Class 11

Yesterday, as I (a) …… along the mall, a taxi (b) ……. near me. A man (c) …… me by my first name. I (d) …… as I failed to recognize the man, who (e) ….... and repeating my name.

(a) (i) walks (ii) is walking (iii) was walking (iv) had been walking

(b) (i) stopped (ii) stops (iii) to stop (iv) will stop

(c) (i) addressing (ii) addressed (iii) to address (iv) has addressed

(d) (i) is surprised (ii) was surprised (iii) surprising (iv) to surprise

(e) (i) smiles (ii) to smile (iii) was smiling (iv) has been smiling




  • (i) walks - not used with past tense
  • (ii) is walking - not used with past tense
  • (iii) was walking - this is correct
  • (iv) had been walking - not used with past continuous tense

Since the sentence is in the past continuous tense , ‘was’ + ing with the verb will be used.

So, the correct answer is (iii) was walking.



  • (i) stopped - this is correct
  • (ii) stops - not used with past tense
  • (iii) to stop - not used with past tense
  • (iv) will stop - not used with past tense

Since the sentence is using simple past tense , the second form of the verb will be used.

So, the correct answer is (i) stopped.



  • (i) addressing - not used with simple past tense
  • (ii) addressed - this is correct
  • (iii) to address - not used with past tense
  • (iv) has addressed - not used with past tense

Since the sentence is using simple past tense , the second form of the verb will be used.

So, the correct answer is (ii) addressed.  


  • (i) is surprised - not used with past tense
  • (ii) was surprised - this is correct
  • (iii) surprising - not used with simple past tense
  • (iv) to surprise - not relevant

Since the sentence is using simple past tense and starts with ‘I’ ,’was’ +  the second form of the verb will be used.

So, the correct answer is (ii) was surprised.


  • (i) smiles - not used with past continuous tense
  • (ii) to smile - not used with past continuous tense
  • (iii) was smiling - this is correct
  • (iv) has been smiling - not used with past continuous tense

Since the sentence is in the past continuous tense , ‘was’ + ing with the verb will be used.

So, the correct answer is (iii) was smiling.

Thus the correct paragraph is

Yesterday, as I was walking along the mall, a taxi stopped near me. A man addressed me by my first name. I was surprised as I failed to recognize the man, who was smiling and repeating my name.


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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo