This section shows the Summary of various tables of GSTR-1.
Other details
GSTR 1 : B2B Invoices
By clicking on any box you can drill down to see invoice levels details.
GSTR 1: B2B-Add Invoice
This section helps you to add the Invoices.
GSTR 1: B2B-Add Invoice
This section helps you to add the Invoicesof the Registered person and confirmation of Invoices being saved successfully.
GSTR 1 : Amended B2B Invoices
This section helps you to do amendments to details of Outward Supplies to a registered person of earlier tax periods.
GSTR 1 : Amend Invoice
This section helps you to do amendments to details of Outward Supplies to a registered person of earlier tax periods.
GSTR 1: B2C (Large)
This section helps you to add the Invoices of Taxable outward Inter-State supplies and where invoice value is more than 2.5 Lacs and Invoices issued against Advance received in earlier periods.
GSTR 1: B2C (Large)-Add Invoice
This section helps you to add the Invoices of Taxable outward Inter -State supplies and where invoice value is more than 2.5 Lacs and Invoices issued against Advance received in earlier periods.
GSTR 1: Amended B2C (Large)
This section helps you to amend the Invoices of Taxable out ward Inter-State spplies and where invoice value is more than 2.5 Lacs and Invoice issued against Advance received in earlier periods.
GSTR 1: Amended B2C (Large)-Amend Invoice
This section helps you to amend the Invoices of Taxable out ward Inter-State spplies and where invoice value is more than 2.5 Lacs and Invoice issued against Advance received in earlier periods.
GSTR 1: Credit/Debit Notes
This sections hows you the summary of Credit/Debit Notes.
GSTR 1: Credit / Debit Notes-Add Not
This section helps you to add Credit/Debit Notes.
GSTR 1:Amended Credit/Debit Notes
This section helps you to amend Credit/Debit Notes.
GSTR 1:Amended Credit/Debit Notes
This section helps you to amend Credit/Debit Notes.
GSTR 1: Exports Summary
This sections hows the Summary of Exports uploaded.
GSTR 1: Exports -Add Invoice
This section helps you to add Export Invoices Details.
GSTR 1: Amended Exports -Summary
This section helps you to amend the Export Invoices details.
GSTR 1: Amend Exports Invoices
This section helps you to amend the Export Invoices details.
GSTR 1: B2C(Small) Details -Summary
This sections hows you the Summary of Taxable outward supplies to consumer.
GSTR 1: B2C(Small) -Add Details
This section helps you to add details of Taxable outward supplies.
GSTR 1: Amended B2C(Small) Details -Summary
This section helps you to amend the details of Taxable outward supplies.
GSTR 1:Amended B2C(Small) -Add Amended Details
This section helps you to add amended details of Taxable outward supplies.
GSTR 1: Nil Rates Supplies
This section shows you the Nilrated ,Exempted and Non GST outward Supplies.
GSTR 1: Tax Liability (Advance Payment)
This section shows you the Summary of Tax liability arising on account of Time of Supply without issuance of invoice in the same period.
GSTR 1: Tax Liability -Add Details
This section helps you to add details of Taxliability arising on account of Time of Supply without issuance of invoice in the same period.
GSTR 1: Amended Tax Liability -Summary
This section shows you the Summary of Amended Tax Liability arising on account of Time of Supply without issuance of invoice in the same period.
GSTR 1: Amend Tax Liability
This section helps you to Amend Tax Liability arising on account of Time of Supply without issuance of invoice in the same period.
Tax already paid on invoices issued in the current period -Summary
This sections hows you to Summary of Tax already paid (on advance receipt / on account of time of supply)on invoices issued in the current period.
Tax already paid on invoices issued in the current period -Add
This section helps you to add items on which Tax already paid (on advance receipt /on account of time of supply) on invoices issued n the current period
Supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies
This sections hows you the supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies.
Supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies -Inter State
This section shows you the summary of supplies made through e-commerce portals of other compani
es (Inter-State). -
Supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies -Inter State
This section helps you to add details of supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies (Inter-State).
Supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies -Intra State
This section shows you the summary of supplies made through e -commerce portals of other companies (Intra-State).
Supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies -Intra State
This section helps you to add details of supplies made through e-commerce portals of other companies(Intra-State).
HSN/SAC summary of outward supplies -Summary
This sections hows you the Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) and Services Accounting Code (SAC) summary of outward supplies.
HSN/SAC summary of outward supplies -Add
This section helps you to add the items under Harmonized System of Nomenclature(HSN) and Services Accounting Code (SAC) summary of outward supplies.
Last updated at Dec. 16, 2024 by Teachoo