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Linear equations are equations where power of the variable is 1.
For example - x2 + x + 1 = 0 is not a linear equation as power of x is 2.
But x + y = 1 is a linear equation as power of x and y is 1.
We will be studying Linear Equations in 2 variables in this chapter
The topics covered in the chapter are
Check out the topics and exercises below to start doing the chapter
Note: Important questions of each exercise have also been marked
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Updated for new NCERT Book - 2023-2024 Edition.
Get NCERT Solutions of Chapter 4 Class 9 Linear Equations in Two Variables free at Teachoo. You can get solutions of all exercises and examples of the NCERT book.
Linear equations are equations where power of the variable is 1.
For example - x2 + x + 1 = 0 is not a linear equation as power of x is 2.
But x + y = 1 is a linear equation as power of x and y is 1.
We will be studying Linear Equations in 2 variables in this chapter
The topics covered in the chapter are
Check out the topics and exercises below to start doing the chapter
Note: Important questions of each exercise have also been marked