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Chapter 10 Class 10 Circles

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Updated for NCERT for 2023-24 Boards.

Get NCERT Solutions of all exercise questions, examples and videos of Chapter 10 Class 10 Circles free at Teachoo. Answers to each and every question is given, with video solution of all the questions for your understanding.


We learned the basics of Circles in Class 9, 

In this chapter, we will learn

  • What are tangents and secants of a circle
  • Tangent is perpendicular to the radius (Theorem 10.1)
  • Lengths of tangents drawn from external point is equal (Theorem 10.2)

and questions related to these theorems and concepts.


Here, we have divided the chapter into 2 parts - Serial Order Wise and Concept Wise.

In Serial Order Wise, the chapter is divided into examples and exercises... just like the NCERT Book.

In Concept Wise, the chapter is divided into concepts.

First the concept is explained, and then the questions of that concept is solved - from easy to difficult.


Concept Wise is the Teachoo (टीचू) way of doing the chapter. We recommend you do the chapter the Concept Wise way.


Note: When you click on a link, the first question will open. The other questions are in an arrowed list at the bottom of the page. Important questions are also marked


Click on exercise or topic link below to start doing the chapter.

Serial order wise

  Ex 10.1
  Ex 10.2

Concept wise

What's in it?

Updated for NCERT for 2023-24 Boards.

Get NCERT Solutions of all exercise questions, examples and videos of Chapter 10 Class 10 Circles free at Teachoo. Answers to each and every question is given, with video solution of all the questions for your understanding.


We learned the basics of Circles in Class 9, 

In this chapter, we will learn

  • What are tangents and secants of a circle
  • Tangent is perpendicular to the radius (Theorem 10.1)
  • Lengths of tangents drawn from external point is equal (Theorem 10.2)

and questions related to these theorems and concepts.


Here, we have divided the chapter into 2 parts - Serial Order Wise and Concept Wise.

In Serial Order Wise, the chapter is divided into examples and exercises... just like the NCERT Book.

In Concept Wise, the chapter is divided into concepts.

First the concept is explained, and then the questions of that concept is solved - from easy to difficult.


Concept Wise is the Teachoo (टीचू) way of doing the chapter. We recommend you do the chapter the Concept Wise way.


Note: When you click on a link, the first question will open. The other questions are in an arrowed list at the bottom of the page. Important questions are also marked


Click on exercise or topic link below to start doing the chapter.