There was a small mistake in question
I have slightly modified it as
What is the excel formula of Up to 5 hours is 10 per hour Next 2 hours is 20 per hour Next 4 hours is 30 per hour Next 3 hours is 40 per hour Greater 14 is 50 per hour
Hours | Rate |
0-5 | 10 |
5-7 | 20 per hour+50 extra(10*5) |
7-11 | 30 per hour+90 extra(10*5+20*2) |
11-14 | 40 per hour+210 extra(10*5+20*2+30*4) |
>14 | 50 per hour+330 extra(10*5+20*2+30*4+40*3) |
The Answer is
Download Excel file