Natural Resources can either be 





What are Exhastible Resources

Exhaustible resources are those resources which are present in limited quantity and can be completely used up by human activities are called exhaustible resources.

Example- Coal, Petrol



What are InExhastible Resources

Inexhaustible resources are those resources which are present in unlimited quantity and cannot be completely used up by human activities are called Inexhaustible resources.

Example: Water, Air


What will we study in this chapter?

We will cover Exhaustible Natural Resources like

  • Coal
  • Petroleum

These are also called Fossil Fuels as they are obtained from dead plants and animals



NCERT Question 6 - Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.

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Natural Resources Inexhaustible Natural Resources Exhaustible Natural Resources Present in Unlimited Quantity, Cannot be Exhausted Present in Limited Quantity, Will be Exhausted Examples Air Water Examples Petroleum Coal

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo