In Trigonometry Formulas, we will learn


Basic Formulas

What are sin cos tan? - SOHCAHTOA - With Examples - Teachoo - Finding sin cos tan

sin, cos tan at 0, 30, 45, 60 degrees

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 2

Pythagorean Identities

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 3

Signs of sin, cos, tan in different quadrants

To learn sign of sin, cos, tan in different quadrants,

we remember

A dd → S ugar → T o → C offee


Trigonometry Formulas - Part 4


Representing as a table


Quadrant I

Quadrant II

Quadrant III

Quadrant IV












Radian measure = π/180  ×  Degree measure



1 Degree = 60 minutes

i.e. 1° = 60’


1 Minute = 60 seconds

i.e. 1’ = 60’’

Negative angles (Even-Odd Identities)

sin (–x) = – sin x

cos (–x) = cos x

tan (–x) = – tan x

sec (–x) = sec x

cosec (–x) = – cosec x

cot (–x) = – cot x


Value of sin, cos, tan repeats after 2π

sin (2π + x) = sin x

cos (2π + x) = cos x

tan (2π + x) = tan x

Shifting angle by π/2, π,  3π/2 (Co-Function Identities or Periodicity Identities)


sin (π/2 – x) = cos x

cos (π/2 – x) = sin x

sin (π/2 + x) = cos x

cos (π/2 + x) = – sin x

sin (3π/2 – x)  = – cos x

cos (3π/2 – x)  = – sin x

sin (3π/2 + x) = – cos x

cos (3π/2 + x) = sin x

sin (π – x) = sin x

cos (π – x) = – cos x

sin (π + x) = – sin x

cos (π + x) = – cos x

sin (2π – x) = – sin x

cos (2π – x) = cos x

sin (2π + x) = sin x

cos (2π + x) = cos x

Angle sum and difference identities

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 5

Double Angle Formulas

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 6

Triple Angle Formulas

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 7

Half Angle Identities (Power reducing formulas)

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 8

Sum Identities (Sum to Product Identities)

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 9

Product Identities (Product to Sum Identities)

Product to sum identities are

  2 cos⁡x  cos⁡y = cos⁡ (x + y) + cos⁡(x - y)

  -2 sin⁡x  sin⁡y = cos⁡ (x + y) - cos⁡(x - y)

  2 sin⁡x  cos⁡y = sin⁡ (x + y) + sin⁡(x - y)

  2 cos⁡x  sin⁡y = sin⁡ (x + y) - sin⁡(x - y)

Law of sine

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 10


  • A, B, C are vertices of Δ ABC
  • a is side opposite to A i.e. BC
  • b is side opposite to B i.e. AC
  • c is side opposite to C i.e. AB

Law of cosine

Just like Sine Law, we have cosine Law

Trigonometry Formulas - Part 11

What are Inverse Trigonometric Functions

If sin θ = x

Then putting sin on the right side

  θ = sin -1 x

  sin -1 x = θ


So, inverse of sin is an angle.


Similarly, inverse of all the trigonometry function is angle.


Note : Here angle is measured in radians, not degrees.


So, we have

  sin -1 x

  cos -1 x

  tan -1 x

  cosec -1 x

  sec -1 x

  tan -1 x

Domain and Range of Inverse Trigonometric Functions




sin -1

[–1, 1]


cos -1

[–1, 1]


tan -1



cosec -1

R – (–1, 1)

[π/2,π/2] - {0}

sec -1

R – (–1, 1)


cot -1




Inverse Trigonometry Formulas

Some formulae for Inverse Trigonometry are

sin –1 (–x) = – sin -1 x

cos –1 (–x) = π – sin -1 x

tan –1 (–x) = – tan -1 x

cosec –1 (–x) = – cosec -1 x

sec –1 (–x) = – sec -1 x

cot –1 (–x) = π – cot -1 x


Trigonometry Formulas - Part 12


Inverse Trigonometry Substitution


Trigonometry Formulas - Part 14

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo