Let’s do this by example
Square root of 17.64 by long division
Square root of 17.64 = 4.2
Individual Steps are explained
Step 1:
- Write the number
- We make pairs from right.
For numbers before decimal point,
we start from right and make pairs
So, 17 is a pair
For numbers after decimal point,
we start from the right of decimal point and make pairs
So, 64 is a pair
Step 2:
Now we find that number whose
square is less than or equal to 16.
3 × 3 = 9
4 × 4 = 16
5 × 5 = 25
Since 25 > 17, we use 4 × 4.
So writing 4 on left side & top.
& 16 below 17
Now we find remainder,
17 − 16 = 1
Step 3:
Since next is decimal point
We put a decimal point on top
Step 4
Pair 64 comes down
So, our number is now 164
Step 5
We multiply the number above by 2
& add a blank after it
So, we write 4 × 2 = 8
8 _
Step 6
Find a number which is less than
Or equal to 164
81 × 1 = 81
82 × 2 = 164
Since 82 × 2 = 164. We use that
Square root of 17.64 = 4.2
Square root of 1.125 by long division
Square root of 1.125 = 1.060…
Here, we can find square root upto more decimal digits.
But, we stop at 3 digits after decimal point