Let’s look at the square of numbers from 1 to 50

Number Square root
1 1
4 2
9 3
16 4
25 5
36 6
49 7
64 8
81 9
100 10
121 11
144 12
169 13
196 14
225 15
256 16
289 17
324 18
361 19
400 20
441 21
484 22
529 23
576 24
625 25
900 30
1225 35
1600 40
2025 45
2500 50

Let’s see some pattern in it, and find properties of square root


If a number ends with 1,

its square root will end with 1 or 9


As 1 = 1

  & 9 = 81


∴ √81 = 9

   √1 = 1


If a number ends with 6,

its square root will end with 4 or 6

Example :

As 4 = 16

  & 6 = 36


∴ √16 =  4

   √36 =  6


If a number ends with 5,

its square root will always end with 5

Example :

As 5 = 25

  & 15 = 225

∴ √25 =  5

    √225 = 1 5


If number has even number of zeroes at the end,

its square root will have half of it

Example :

         10 = 100

200 2 =40000




If a number ends with 2, 3, 7, 8,

it is not a perfect square

Example :

2422, 373, 918, 27 are not perfect square.

So, their square root will be in decimals


If a number ends with odd number of zeroes,

it is not a perfect square

Example :

24000, 10, 2500000 do not have a square root

So, their square root will be in decimals


Square root of even number is even,

Square root of odd number is odd

Example :



  √9= 3




  √16= 4

√100= 10


To summarize

  • Unit digit of square roots have this property

One’s digit of Number

One’s digit of Square Root


1 or 9


4 or 6



Even number of zeroes

Half of it

  • Square root of even number is even, odd number is odd
  • A number is not a perfect square, if it ends with 2, 3, 7, 8 or if it has odd number of zeroes


Square root of Negative number is not possible

√(-9)  is not possible 



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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.