Example 2 - On a particular day, the sales (in rupees) of different

Example 2 - Chapter 5 Class 8 Data Handling - Part 2
Example 2 - Chapter 5 Class 8 Data Handling - Part 3
Example 2 - Chapter 5 Class 8 Data Handling - Part 4
Example 2 - Chapter 5 Class 8 Data Handling - Part 5 Example 2 - Chapter 5 Class 8 Data Handling - Part 6 Example 2 - Chapter 5 Class 8 Data Handling - Part 7

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Example 2 On a particular day, the sales (in rupees) of different items of a baker’s shop are given below. Draw a pie chart for this data.We first need to find the central angle made by the sector of every item. We follow the steps 1. Draw a circle of any radius. Mark Radius as OA. 2. Put protractor on AO and Draw largest angle 160° 3. Now, put protractor on AO and Mark next largest angle 80° 4. Now, put protractor on OB and Mark next largest angle 60° 5. Now, put protractor on OD and Mark next largest angle 40° 6. The remaining portion is 20° 7. Now, Label the pie chart

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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo