How to make line graph?Suppose we are given an Example 6
We follow the steps
1. Days are connected, first Monday, then Tuesday & so on
So, we plot days on x – axis
2. Temperature is plotted on y-axis
3. Since temperature is from 18° to 35°.
We draw graph from 0 to 35 with gaps of 5
4. On x axis, gap between Monday & Tuesday is taken as convenient.
5. Then, we plot points & join the lines.
Similarly we can do for this,
Runs scored by Virat Kohli in 5 matches
We follow the steps
1. Matches are connected, 1, then 2 & so on
So, we plot days on x – axis
2. Runs are plotted on y-axis
3. Since match is from 0 to 120. We draw graph from 0 to
120 with gaps of 10
4. On x axis, gap between 1 & 2 is taken as convenient.
5. Then, we plot points & join the lines.
Made by
Davneet Singh
Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo
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