Let’s learn this by examples
Compare 42.875 & 423.95
Comparing digits before decimal points
So, 42.875 < 423.95
First of all, we compare the numbers before decimal points.
If they are less than or greater than,
Then the numbers are also less than or greater than
What if the numbers before Decimal points are equal?
Compare 23.75 & 23.89
Comparing digits before decimal point
So, we compare digits after decimal point
23.75 < 23.89
Let’s take another example
Compare 4.08 & 4.076
Here, number of digits of 4.08 and 4.076 is not same
4.08 = 4.080
So, we need to compare
4.080 & 4.076
Comparing digits before decimal point
So, we compare digits after decimal point
So we compare the next digit
4.08 > 4.076