Accounting in Textbooks |
Accounting in Companies |
We do accounting manually by pen and notebook (Manual Accounting) |
We do accounting on Computers in Some software like Tally (Computerized Accounting) |
Steps We first 1. Pass Entries 2. Make Ledgers 3. Make Trial Balance 4. Make Profit and Loss 5. Make Balance Sheet |
Steps We only 1. Make Ledger Name 2. Pass Entries Automatically Ledgers, Trial Balance and Balance Sheet updated |
We study accounts and tax separately
Journal Entries of Sale, purchase, expense, income do not have taxes like Vat, Service tax, TDS (Both Separate Subjects) |
We do accounting for different bills having taxes like Vat, Service tax, TDS etc
There are more chances of errors |
There are less chances of errors, however accounting entries should be correct |
If we know Journal Entries for various transactions, we can easily do Proper Accounting
For that, we need to learn Debit Credit (Which account to be debited and which credited)