Deduction is now allowed for Medical Insurance or Central Government health scheme 


25000 for family + 25000 for Parents

In case of senior citizen resident in India who are residents,the limit is 30000 instead of 25000



If parent senior citizens,then 25000 for family+30000 for parents

If person and parents both senior citizen,then 30000 for family+ 30000 for parents

If both person and parents not senior citizen,then limit is

20000 for family + 20000 for Parents


Preventive Health checkup (Medical Lab testing)

Included in above limit is Rs 5000 for Medical Lab testing .


New Deduction for Resident Very Senior Citizens (NEW PROVISION)

Very senior citizens mean persons greater than 80 years of age.

These old people do not get Medical Insurance easily

Hence,for these people,new deduction allowed for MEDICAL TREATMENT of Rs 30000

Deduction is allowed to these Senior Citizens themselves or to those Individuals whose parents are very senior citizens



If both medical  insurance and medical expenditure claimed of very senior citizens,then maximum deduction is limited to 30000



Important Points

1.Very senior citizens and Senior Citizens who are RESIDENTS only are covered for additional benefit of 25000/30000

In case,person is resident,limit is 25000


2.This deduction is only for Individual and HUF


3.Family means

In case of Individual-

Self,Spouse,Dependent children

In case of HUF

Members of HUF


4. Effect of Amendment

Particulars Old Limit New Limit
Family+Parents 15000+15000 25000+25000
In case of senior citizens who are resident 20000 30000

Medical Lab testing included in above limit

5000 5000
Medical Treatment for Very senior citizens who are residents 0 30000



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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.