How to Mail Tally ERP 9 Data

  1. F1 Select Company
  2. Tally Path shown at top  (Suppose Tally path is  C:\Users\Public\Tally.ERP9\Data)
  3. Check Company Name and Number whose Data required to be copied
  4. Go Manually to Path (Go to C Drive --> Users --> Public --> Tally ERP 9 --> Data)
  5. Copy Data Folder of Company which is required
  6. Paste on Desktop
  7. Right Click --> Send to Compressed Folder
  8. Zip File Created
  9. This zip file can be attached on email


 How to load Tally data from Email

  1. Download Zip File
  2. Open Zip file
  3. Right Click --> Open with Windows Explorer
  4. Copy folder
  5. Open Tally
  6. F1 Select Company
  7. Tally Path shown at top (Suppose Tally path is  C:\Users\Public\Tally.ERP9\Data)
  8. Go Manually to Path (Go to C Drive-->Users-->Public--->Tally ERP 9-->-Data)
  9. Paste Data
  10. In Tally --> Esc --> Select Company Again
  11. Company Name will be now shown, we just have to Select it


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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.