In What Month we will take following Purchases
Time and Supply of Goods and Services
Time and Supply of Services
Point of Taxation & Time and Supply in Reverse Charge in GST
Time of Supply in Case of Supply of Vouchers in GST
Last Date of Issue of Invoice
Continous Supply Last Date
Date of Payment
Time of Supply Service
Last Date of Issue of invoice
Time of Supply Goods
TIME OF SUPPLY From 15 Nov 2017
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July Computation
August Computation
September Computation
October Computation
November Computation
December Computation
January Computation
February Computation
Last updated at Dec. 16, 2024 by Teachoo
In What Month we will take following Purchases
In What Month we will take following Purchases ORDER DATE INVOICE DATE GOODS RECEIPT DATE PARTY NAME GST NO QTY RATE AMOUNT CGST 9% SGST 9% TOTAL PAYMENT DETAILS COMPUTATION MONTH LAST DATE OF PAYMENT INPUT REVSERSAL MONTH 1-Jul 2-Jul 4-Jul A 07AAECV3697H1ZW 10000 20 200000 18000 18000 236000 PAID CASH SAME DATE JULY 29-Dec-17 N/A 29-Jul 30-Jul 1-Aug B 07AADPA0421E1ZP 20000 15 300000 27000 27000 354000 NOT YET PAID AUG 26-Jan-18 Feb-18 26-Aug 27-Aug 29-Aug C 07ADLPA7624C1ZW 40000 18 720000 64800 64800 849600 PAID BY CHEQUE ON 25 JULY AUG 23-Feb-18 N/A 23-Sep 24-Sep 26-Sep B 07AADPA0421E1ZP 15000 19 285000 25650 25650 336300 PAID BY RTGS 15 JULY SEPY 23-Mar-18 N/A 21-Oct 22-Oct 24-Oct C 07ADLPA7624C1ZW 18000 14 252000 22680 22680 297360 NOT YET PAID OCT 20-Apr-18 May-18 18-Nov 19-Nov 21-Nov C 07ADLPA7624C1ZW 30000 20 600000 54000 54000 708000 PAID ON DECEMBER NOV 18-May-18 N/A 16-Dec 17-Dec 19-Dec B 07AADPA0421E1ZP 40000 13 520000 46800 46800 613600 30 % PAYMENT MADE IN ADVANCE ON 10 JULY,BALANCE PAYMENT ON 19 DEC DEC 15-Jun-18 N/A 5-Jan 6-Jan 8-Jan C 07ADLPA7624C1ZW 10000 13 130000 11700 11700 153400 NOT YET PAID JAN 5-Jul-18 Aug-18 2-Feb 3-Feb 5-Feb D 07AABFL2075M1Z6 15000 13 195000 17550 17550 230100 NOT YET PAID FEB 2-Aug-18 Sep-18 TOTAL 198000 3202000 288180 288180 3778360