Which of the following statement is true in the context of globalization?

  1. Globalization always had a positive impact across the globe.
  2. It is the only way for economic development of the country. 
  3. This leads to the spread of technology, cultures, and diseases from one region to another. 
  4. Interlinks only production-based activities in dispersed locations in the world.



So, the correct option is (C):  This leads to the spread of technology, cultures, and diseases from one region to another. 


Let’s check all the options

  • Globalization always had a positive impact across the globe. This is incorrect.
    Correct Statement - Globalization has both positive as well as negative impacts across the globe.
  • It is the only way for economic development of the country. This is incorrect.
    Correct Statement- Globalization is not the only way to economic development . There are also other indicators that lead to the economic development of any country.
  • This leads to the spread of technology, cultures, and diseases from one region to another. This is a correct statement .
  • Interlinks only production-based activities in dispersed locations in the world. This is incorrect.
    Correct statement: Interlinks primary, production, and service-based activities in dispersed locations in the world.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo