Mention any three discretionary powers of the Indian President.



Answer to be written in the exam:

  1. The administration of the whole country is carried on his name. He is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.  

  2.  He appoints the Prime Minister, the chief justice of  India, the Governors of the states, Judges of the Supreme  Court and High Courts, the Election Commissioners,  ambassadors to other countries, etc. 

  3.   There is one very important thing he should do on his own, i.e. appoint the Prime Minister. When a  party or coalition of parties secures a clear majority in the elections, the President has to appoint the leader of the majority party or the coalition that enjoys majority support in the Lok Sabha. When no party or coalition gets a majority in the Lok  Sabha, the President exercises his discretion. 

  4. The  President appoints a leader who, in his opinion, must have majority support in the Lok Sabha. In such a case, the President can ask the newly appointed  Prime Minister to prove majority support in the Lok  Sabha within a specified time.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo