Poverty as seen by social scientists
Usually, the
indicators are used
to relate to the
levels of income and consumption.
- Now, poverty is looked at through other social indicators like illiteracy level, lack of general resistance due to malnutrition, lack of access to healthcare, lack of job opportunities, lack of access to safe drinking water, sanitation, etc.
Social exclusion
Poverty must be seen in terms of the
poor having to live only in poor surroundings
with other poor people,
excluded from enjoying the social equality
of better-off people in better surroundings.
Social exclusion can be both a
cause as well as a consequence of poverty
in the usual sense.
It is a process through which
individuals or groups are excluded from facilities, benefits, and opportunities that others enjoy.
- Example - The caste system in India in which people belonging to certain castes are excluded from equal opportunities.
Vulnerability to poverty is a measure, which describes the
greater probability of certain communities or individuals
becoming, or remaining,
poor in the coming years.
- Vulnerability is determined by the options available to different communities for finding an alternative living in terms of assets, education, health, and job opportunities.