Read the following text.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
Based on the survey results, which two concerns should a city government, looking to install vertical gardens, address?
Based on the survey results, the city government should address the following concerns:
- The cost of installing vertical gardens.
- The potential of vertical gardens to distract the drivers.
Step-by-Step Explanation by Teachoo:
- Study the Survey Results:
- Look at the numbers in the survey. Pay attention to areas where respondents expressed concerns.
- Identify Key Concerns:
- Cost: Many people agreed or strongly agreed that vertical gardens "cost too much."
- Distraction for Drivers: A significant number disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement that vertical gardens do not distract drivers.
- Prioritize these Concerns:
- Cost: High cost could hinder implementation.
- Driver Distraction: Safety should always be a priority.
- Formulate the Answer:
- Summarize these points into a concise answer, focusing on the cost and potential for distracting drivers.