Between 1880 and 1920 forests cover in the Indian subcontinent declined by 9.7 million hectares, from 108.6 million hectares to 98.9 million hectares. Discuss the role of the following factors in this decline:


2. Shipbuilding



Answer to be written in the exam:


  1. Ships in the early 19th century were made of wood before the industrial revolution. With its enormous number of naval fleets, the Royal Navy helped Britain maintain its colonial conquests. But huge areas of England's oak woodlands were cleared in order to maintain them.

  2. The Royal Navy faced a logistical challenge as a result since maintaining and building new ships required a steady supply of timber. By clearing its colonies' woodlands, it was quickly fixed. As a result, vast tracts of wood vanished , with some locations seeing practically total deforestation.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo