Match the following terms with their correct descriptions:



A.  The Enabling Act

(i) The secret police force of the Nazi regime that arrested, tortured, and killed anyone who opposed or resisted Hitler

B. The Nuremberg Laws

(ii) The law that gave Hitler the power to rule by decree and suspend the constitution, civil rights, and democracy in Germany

C. The Gestapo

(iii) The laws that discriminated and persecuted the Jews in Germany by depriving them of their citizenship, property, and civil rights

D. The Final Solution

(iv) The term used to describe the genocide of about six million Jews and other victims by the Nazis during World War II

E. The Holocaust

(v) The Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews in Europe by mass killing them in gas chambers and concentration camps


  1. (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(i); (d)-(v); (e)-(iv)
  2. (a)-(i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv); (e)-(v)
  3. (a)-(ii); (b)-(v); (c)-(iv); (d)-(iii); (e)-(i)
  4. (a)-(i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(iii); (e)-(v)



The correct answer is A. (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(i); (d)-(v); (e)-(iv)


  • The Enabling Act was a law that was passed by the Reichstag (the German parliament) on March 23, 1933, after Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. It gave him the power to rule by decree and suspend the constitution, civil rights, and democracy in Germany . It also allowed him to ban other political parties, trade unions, and independent media. Thus, it enabled Hitler to establish a dictatorship in Germany. Thus, (a) matches with (ii). 
  • The Nuremberg Laws were a set of laws that were enacted by the Nazi regime in 1935. They discriminated and persecuted the Jews in Germany by depriving them of their citizenship, property, and civil rights. They also defined who was considered a Jew based on their ancestry and blood. They also prohibited marriages and sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews. Thus, they legalized the racial segregation and oppression of the Jews in Germany. Thus, (b) matches with (iii).
  • The Gestapo was the secret police force of the Nazi regime that was established in 1933. It arrested, tortured, and killed anyone who opposed or resisted Hitler and his policies. It also spied on and infiltrated various groups and organizations that were suspected of being enemies of Nazism. It had no legal or moral constraints and operated outside the law. Thus, it terrorized the people and enforced Hitler’s will. Thus, (c) matches with (i). 
  • The Final Solution was the Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews in Europe by mass killing them in gas chambers and concentration camps . It was implemented from 1941 to 1945, during World War II. It was overseen by Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS (the elite Nazi paramilitary force), and Adolf Eichmann, the chief organizer of the deportations of Jews to the death camps. It resulted in the murder of about six million Jews and other victims, such as Roma, Slavs, homosexuals, and political prisoners. Thus, it was one of the most horrific crimes against humanity in history. Thus, (d) matches with (v).
  • The Holocaust was the term used to describe the genocide of about six million Jews and other victims by the Nazis during World War II. It derived from the Greek word “holokauston”, which means “a burnt offering”. It also referred to the mass burning of corpses in crematoria after they were killed in gas chambers. It was one of the main objectives of Nazism and a manifestation of its extreme racism and hatred. Thus, it was a tragedy that shocked and saddened the world. Thus, (e) matches with (iv) .



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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo