1.If assessee pays any amount to

(a)National fund  for Rural Development

   (Set up by Central Govt)

(b) National Urban Poverty Eradication Fund

then deduction allowed under this section .



Direct expenditure on rural development not covered .

If deduction claimed under this section then it cannot be claimed in any other section .


If approval for instituition is  withdrawn,still deduction shall be available to assessee





Proft and Loss of Ajay & Co,a proprietorship  
SALES 900000
PROFIT 100000
Suppose Expenses Include following expenses on Rural Development  
Direct Expenditure by Assessee 50000
Donation to National Fund for Rural Development 40000
Donation to National Urban Poverty Eradication Fund 20000
Total 110000

Compute PGBP Income

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Solve last question assuming it is a company?


Answer same as last.

Direct Expenditure is disllowed even for companies


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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.