Political Science
Chapter 1 Class 8 Political Science - The Constitution and the Need

Need for Laws

  • Laws are meant for the welfare and security of the people. They serve as a means of bringing about social change and establishing an egalitarian society .

  • In a traditionally unequal society like India, which is plagued by social evils such as dowry, female foeticide and alcoholism , the need for laws becomes even more important.

Social evils and the efforts made to stop their practice 

  • Social evils are the harmful practices or customs that violate the basic values and norms of a society.

  • They cause injustice, oppression, exploitation and discrimination to certain sections of the society.

  • They also hinder the social and economic development of the country.


  • It is the money or gifts given to the groom and his family by the bride’s family at the time of marriage. 

  • It often leads to torture and death of the bride. 

  • The Dowry Prohibition Act (1961) prohibits giving and taking of dowry and prescribes imprisonment and fine for offenders.

Female Foeticide  

  • It is the practice of killing a female foetus in the womb due to preference for sons.

  •  It affects India’s sex ratio adversely. 

  • The Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act (1994) prohibits the determination and disclosure of the sex of the foetus and bans any advertisement of prenatal sex determination. 

  • It also prescribes imprisonment and fine for violators.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo