Chapter 1 Class 8 History - The Modern Period

List the defining features of the modern era. Why do Indian historians not want to call the British rule in India a ‘modern’ period?



Answer by Student

  • The modern era is characterized by scientific progress , industrialization , colonization , and urbanization .

  • The British rule in India was a colonial rule that exploited and oppressed India.

  • Indian historians reject the term modern for the British rule in India as it does not reflect the reality of Indian society and culture.

Detailed Explanation by Teachoo

Let’s explain the answer in more detail

  • The modern era is characterized by s cientific progress, industrialization, colonization, and urbanization. These are the characteristics that mark the transition from the medieval to the modern period in history. The modern era is generally taken as starting from the eighteenth century onwards, when Europe witnessed major changes in society, economy, culture, and politics due to scientific discoveries, technological innovations, imperial expansion, and urban growth. The modern era also saw the emergence of ideas such as liberty, equality, democracy, and human rights that challenged the traditional authority and hierarchy.

  • The British rule in India was a colonial rule that exploited and oppressed India. The British treated India as a colony and not as a partner in progress. They took away raw materials from India and made her an importer of finished British goods. They imposed heavy taxes on Indian peasants and artisans and ruined their livelihoods. They introduced policies that divided Indian society on the basis of religion, caste, language, etc. They also suppressed the Indian freedom struggle and violated the human rights of Indians.

  • Indian historians reject the term modern for the British rule in India as it does not reflect the reality of Indian society and culture. The term modern implies progress, development, and enlightenment, which were not experienced by most Indians under British rule. Instead, Indians faced poverty, backwardness, and ignorance. The term modern also ignores the rich and diverse history of India before the British rule, which had its own achievements and contributions to world civilization. Indian historians prefer to use terms such as colonial or nationalist to describe the period of British rule in India.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo