


Archaeological sources

Sources that are based on material remains of the past, such as buildings, coins, inscriptions, etc.

Literary sources

Sources that are based on written records of the past, such as books, documents, newspapers, etc.

Official records

Records that are produced by the government or its agencies, such as reports, proceedings, laws, etc.

Survey reports

Reports that are based on systematic collection and analysis of data on a specific topic, such as population, revenue, land, etc.

Indigenous records

Records that are produced by the native people of a region or country, such as diaries, accounts, newspapers, etc.

Foreign accounts

Accounts that are produced by the outsiders who visit or live in a region or country, such as travelogues, memoirs, letters, etc.


The division of history into different periods based on some criteria or characteristics

Modern period

The period in history that is generally taken as starting from the eighteenth century and is marked by scientific progress, industrialization, colonization, and urbanization

Colonial period

The period in history that is marked by the domination and exploitation of one country or region by another country or power

National movement

The movement that emerged in India to resist the British rule and to achieve independence and self-rule


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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo