City Division of Indus Valley Civilization - Teachoo.png

  • Most cities were very well planned. The streets cut each other at right angles.

  • In Mohenjo Daro, the main street was over 800 meters long and 10 meters wide.

  • Houses were built on both sides of the street in a planned way.

  • Baked bricks were used to construct buildings.

  • Most cities, including Harappa and Mohenjo Daro, were divided into two parts- Citadel and Lower town.

  • The part that was built on raised grounds is called the citadel or the acropolis. It had walls made of bricks , which provided protection during floods.

  • The citadel contained public buildings, religious structures and granaries.

  • The ruler and the ruling class, consisting of rich merchants and priests, probably lived in the citadel.

  • The other part, called the lower town , was a t a lower height but much bigger area . It had small buildings and houses of the common people.

The citadel
The Citadel - Teachoo.png

  • The ruins of many buildings have been found on the citadel , in Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.
    Great Granary - Teachoo.png

  • In Mohenjo-daro, the largest building is the granary.

  • Another building nearby was probably used as a meeting hall . Residents of the city might have gathered here to discuss important issues.
    Great Bath - Teachoo.png

  • The most impressive structure at Mohenjo-daro is the Great Bath .

  • ‘It is a rectangular structure and resembles a swimming pool.

  • It is made of baked bricks and has been made watertight with a layer of bitumen or tar.

  • The Great bath has two flights of steps, one on each side.

  • There are rooms on the side for changing clothes . Water was probably drawn from a well and drained out after use.

  • The Great Bath was perhaps used fo r bathing on special occasions.

  • At Harappa, a number of granaries have been found . Surplus grain was perhaps stored in them, 

The Lower town

The Lower town  - Teachoo.png

  • The Lower Town was made up of many houses that were built close together and arranged in a grid pattern.

  •  The houses were made of mud bricks and had multiple rooms. The streets in the Lower Town were straight and intersected at right angles.

  • The Lower Town also had many public buildings, like a granary, a bathhouse, and a marketplace.

  • The Lower Town of Harappa had a wall made of baked bricks that was around 3.5 meters high and 6 meters wide. This wall surrounded the entire residential area, helping to keep the people who lived there safe.

  • The Lower Town had a complex system of drainage and water supply .

  •  The houses had their own drainage system , which helped keep the streets clean and prevented flooding.

  •  The city also had a s ystem of wells and water channels that brought clean water to the people who lived there.
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science, Social Science, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science at Teachoo.