Write a python program to store roll no, name and percentage of 5 students in a tuple. And display the name of the student whose roll no is entered by the user.
# Define an empty tuple to store the student details
students = ()
# Ask the user to enter the roll no, name and percentage of 5 students
print("Please enter the roll no, name and percentage of 5 students, separated by commas.")
# Use a for loop to iterate 5 times
for i in range(5):
# Use the input() function to read a line from the user
line = input()
# Use the split() function to split the line by commas and convert it to a list
data = line.split(",")
# Use the tuple() function to convert the list to a tuple
student = tuple(data)
# Use the + operator to append the student tuple to the students tuple
students = students + (student,)
# Ask the user to enter a roll no to search for
roll_no = input("Enter a roll no to search for: ")
# Initialize a variable found to store whether the roll no is found or not
found = False
# Loop through the tuple students and compare each element with the roll no
for student in students:
# If the first element of the tuple matches the roll no, print the name of the student and set found to True
if student[0] == roll_no:
print("The name of the student with roll no", roll_no, "is", student[1])
found = True
# Break out of the loop since there is no need to search further
# If found is still False after the loop, print a message that the roll no is not found
if not found:
print("The roll no", roll_no, "is not found in the tuple")