Apart from normal depreciation and additional depreciation, Investment Allowance is also available on new machinery installed during 2013-14(FY/PY) and 2014-15


Amt of Deduction:-

  • It is 15% of new machines purchased and /or   installed  (New Amendment) in one year is more than 25 Crores 
  • This Investment Allowance is only for FY 2014-15,FY 2015-16 AND FY 2016-17 (FY means Financial year)
  • Earlier It was 15% of new machines installed in FY 2013-14 and  FY 2014-15 if aggregate of machine cost exceeds 100 Cr total of both years combined.
  • Unlike Additional depreciation.Investment Allowance is not reduced while calculating Closing WDV

Effect of Amendment 



Assets more than 25 cr must be purchased and installed in Same Year to Get  Investment Allowance Deduction

Assets more than 25 cr must be purchased in FY 2014-15,FY 2015-16.FY 2016-17

It may be installed later also till 31.3.2017

Still deduction will be available

If purchased but not installed then no Investment Allowance

Suppose Asset purchased for 100 Cr in FY 2015-16 but installed in FY 2016-17

Then NO Deduction  will be available as not installed in same year

Deduction Available in the Year Installed

Suppose Asset purchased for 100 Cr in FY 2015-16 but installed in FY 2016-17

Then 15% Deduction will be Available in FY 2016-17

Current Provisons


FY 2013-14            +

FY 2014-15

15% Deduction if Assets >100 Crores

Option 1

FY 2013-14            +

FY 2014-15

15% Deduction if Assets >100 Crores

Option 2

FY 2014-15


FY 2015-16


FY 2016-17               

15% Deduction if Assets >25 Crores in 1 year


Assessee can claim either of Option 1 or Option 2 and not both



Depreciation and Deduction Computation

Name of Asset Block 1 Machine
Opening Value xx
Purchases 180 days or more xx
Purchase Less than 180 days xx
Sales During Year xx
Cl Value before Dep xx
Depreciation  xx
Additional Dep xx
Closing WDV(after Dep) xx
Investment Allowance @ 15%  
(not reduced from Closing WDV)  xx

 PGBP Computation

Indirect Method Amount in Crores
Profit xx
Expense disallowed  
Dep as per Companied Act xx
Expense Allowed  
Dep as per Income Tax xx
Additional Depreciation xx
Investment Allowance xx
PGBP Income xx


Conditions to Claim Investment Allowance

1.It is available only on purchase of new machinery.

  Additional Depreciation is only on Plant and Machinery,not other assets like Furniture and Buildings


2. On Following Plant and Machinery also(P&M), no Investment Allowance

  • Ships and Aircrafts
  • Second hand P& M
  • P& M  used in Office/Home/Guest house
  • Office Appliances
  • Road  Transport Vehicles (Car etc)
  • 100% Dep reciable Assets (like Pollution Control Equipment)

3.I nvestment Allowance is only for factories or power generation units, not for dealers or service providers


4 It is only available to manufacturing companies on new machines installed.


5 Deduction only for Companies(not for Non Companies like Partnership/Proprietorship)




Que 1

Compute Deduction for 2013-14 and 2014-15 in following cases

Case 2013-14 2014-15
I 80 20
II 80 21
III 110 20
IV 110 1
V 5 25
VI 5 26
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Q2 Compute Admissible  deduction u/s 32 AC

Company Name


(AY 2014-15)


(AY 2015-16)

A 80 22
B 70 25
C 60 30
D 75 25
E 105 15
F 70 30
G 70 40


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Particulars Amt (in Crores)
Income 90
Expenses 40
Profit 50

Suppose Expenses Include Dep on Machine charged  of 4 Crores as per Companied Act (New Machine Purchased for 40 Crores on 10 April,Dep @ 10%=4 Crores


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CA Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years. He also provides Accounts Tax GST Training in Delhi, Kerala and online.