Why did Jawaharlal Nehru proclaim the dams as the “temples of modern India”? Explain any three reasons.


Points to Remember 

Advantages of Multipurpose River Valley Projects

Jawaharlal Nehru proclaimed the dams as the “Temple of Modern India” because

  • Dams were built to impound rivers and rainwater
  • Dams are built not just for irrigation
  • Electricity generation , water supply for domestic and industrial uses, flood control .
  • Vehicle that would lead the nation to development
  • Dams as the ‘ temples of modern India’ .

*Write any 3 points 

Answer to be written in the exam

  1. Dams were traditionally built to impound rivers and rainwater that could be used later to irrigate agricultural fields .
  2. Today, dams are built not just for irrigation but for electricity generation , water supply for domestic and industrial uses , flood control , recreation , inland navigation and fish breeding .
  3. Multipurpose projects , launched after Independence with their integrated water resources management approach, were thought of as the vehicle that would lead the nation to development and progress , overcoming the handicap of its colonial past . Jawaharlal Nehru proudly proclaimed the dams as the ‘ temples of modern India’ .


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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo