Read the extract and answer the following questions.


They thought he would demand repayment in full of the money which they had illegally and deceitfully extorted from the sharecroppers. He asked only 50 per cent. “There he seemed adamant,” writes Reverend J. Z. Hodge, a British missionary in Champaran who observed the entire episode at close range. “Thinking probably that he would not give way, the representative of the planters offered to refund to the extent of 25 per cent, and to his amazement Mr. Gandhi took him at his word, thus breaking the deadlock.”


Indigo - Exract Based Question (5) - Teachoo.png

Question (i)

List any two sensory details present in this extract.


Answer as written by the student:

Two possible sensory details present in this extract are:

  • The sound of Gandhi asking for 50 per cent refund from the landlords
  • The sight of the representative of the planters being amazed by Gandhi's acceptance of 25 per cent refund

Step-by-step explanation: 

  • To answer this question, we need to identify two details from the extract that appeal to one or more of the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch. 
  • Sensory details help the reader to imagine and understand the situation better. 
  • In this extract, one possible sensory detail is the sound of Gandhi asking for 50 per cent refund from the landlords, which shows his demand for justice and fairness for the sharecroppers who had been cheated by the landlords. 
  • Another possible sensory detail is the sight of the representative of the planters being amazed by Gandhi's acceptance of 25 per cent refund, which shows his surprise and relief at Gandhi's compromise and generosity. 
  • Therefore, these are two possible sensory details present in this extract.😊

Question (ii)

Who was Reverend J. Z. Hodge?

  1. A British missionary in Champaran
  2. A British official in Champaran
  3. A British landlord in Champaran
  4. A British lawyer in Champaran


Answer as written by the student:

(a) A British missionary in Champara n

Step-by-step explanation: 

  • To answer this question, we need to recall the information given in the extract about Reverend J. Z. Hodge. 
  • The extract tells us that Reverend J. Z. Hodge was a British missionary in Champaran who observed the entire episode at close range. 
  • A missionary is a person who is sent by a religious organization to spread its faith or to do social work. 
  • Therefore, the correct option is A. A British missionary in Champaran.😎

Question (iii)

Complete the sentence appropriately.

 The phrase "breaking the deadlock" means ____________.


Answer as written by the student:

 ending the stalemate

Step-by-step explanation: 

  • To answer this question, we need to find a word or a phrase that best completes the sentence and matches the context of the extract. 
  • The phrase "breaking the deadlock" means ending a situation in which no progress can be made by either side. 
  • The extract tells us that Gandhi broke the deadlock by accepting the offer of 25 per cent refund from the representative of the planters, who thought that Gandhi would not give way. 
  • Therefore, the phrase that fits the blank is ending the stalemate.πŸ‘

Question (iv)

Explain any one possible inference that can be drawn from the line "He asked only 50 per cent".


Answer as written by the student:

 One possible inference that can be drawn from the line "He asked only 50 per cent" is that Gandhi was not greedy or vindictive in his dealings with the landlords. 

Step-by-step explanation: 

  • He did not ask for the full amount of money that they had illegally and deceitfully extorted from the sharecroppers, but only for half of it. 
  • This shows that he was reasonable and moderate in his demands, and that he wanted to settle the matter peacefully and amicably. 
  • Therefore, this line suggests Gandhi's moral and ethical character.πŸ™

Question (v)

 What does the term 'extorted' mean?

  1. Obtained by force or threat
  2. Obtained by fraud or deception
  3. Obtained by consent or agreement
  4. Obtained by donation or charity


Answer as written by the student:

(a) Obtained by force or threat

Step-by-step explanation: 

  • To answer this question, we need to know the meaning of the term 'extorted'. 
  • Extorted is an adjective that means obtained by using violence or threats, usually involving money or property. 
  • The extract tells us that the landlords had extorted money from the sharecroppers, which implies that they had coerced them to pay compensation for being released from growing indigo. 
  • Therefore, the correct option is A. Obtained by force or threat.πŸ‘

Question (vi)

 Which of the following headlines best suggests the central idea of the extract?

  1. The Generosity of a Leader
  2. The Surprise of a Representative
  3. The Observation of a Missionary
  4. The Justice for Sharecroppers


Answer as written by the student:

(d) The Justice for Sharecroppers

Step-by-step explanation: 

  • To answer this question, we need to identify the main theme or message of the extract. 
  • The extract focuses on how Gandhi managed to get some justice for the sharecroppers who had been extorted by the landlords. He asked for a reasonable refund of the money that they had paid, and he accepted a lower offer when the representative of the planters made it. He broke the deadlock and achieved a positive outcome for the peasants. 
  • Therefore, the headline that best captures this idea is D. The Justice for Sharecroppers.😊
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo