Question 8 (Choice 1)
Imagine that a few days after Mr. Lamb's fall from the ladder, Derry writes his thoughts on how his meeting with Mr Lamb changed his perspective towards life. Think of yourself as Derry and express these thoughts.
You may begin like this:
A few days ago, I met an extraordinary person...
- It was an interaction that stood apart from most interactions of Derry’s life - to talk to someone who is welcoming and not afraid of him.
- Mr Lamb treated him like a regular human being without expressing any judgement, comments, fear or sympathy.
- He taught him to believe that he was the same as others despite the burns on his face by explaining how both flowers and weeds are the same despite their outward appearance.
- He taught him to accept himself.
- He provided an insight into self acceptance and remaining unaffected by people’s comments.
- He encouraged Derry to live life to the fullest.