(b) The code given below inserts the following record in the table Student:
RollNo – integer
Name – string
Clas – integer
Marks – integer
Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL:
Username is root
Password is tiger
The table exists in a MYSQL database named school.
The details (RollNo, Name, Clas and Marks) are to
be accepted from the user.
Write the following missing statements to complete the code:
Statement 1 – to form the cursor object
Statement 2 – to execute the command that inserts the record in the
table Student.
Statement 3- to add the record permanently in the databas
import mysql.connector as mysql
def sql_data():
password="tiger", database="school")
mycursor=_________________ #Statement 1
rno=int(input("Enter Roll Number :: "))
name=input("Enter name :: ")
clas=int(input("Enter class :: "))
marks=int(input("Enter Marks :: "))
querry="insert into student
______________________ #Statement 2
______________________ # Statement 3
print("Data Added successfully")
import mysql.connector as mysql
def sql_data():
con1=mysql.connect(host="localhost",user="root", password="tiger", database="school")
mycursor=con1.cursor() #Statement 1
rno=int(input("Enter Roll Number :: "))
name=input("Enter name :: ")
clas=int(input("Enter class :: "))
marks=int(input("Enter Marks :: "))
querry="insert into student values({},'{}',{},{})".format(rno,name,clas,marks)
mycursor.execute(querry) #Statement 2
con1.commit() # Statement 3
print("Data Added successfully")
Statement 1: To form the cursor object, the cursor( ) method is used.
Syntax: cursor_object=connection_object.cursor( )
Statement 2: To execute a MySQL command, the execute( ) method is used.
Syntax: cursor_object.execute(“MySQL query”/query_string)
Statement 3: To add a record permanently to the database, the commit( ) method is used.
Syntax: connection_object.commit( )