Social Science CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper for 2023 Boards

Arrange the following in chronological order:

I. Print culture created the conditions for the French Revolution

II. Martin Luther’s writings led to beginning of the Protestant Reformation

III. Menocchio reinterpreted the message of the Bible

IV. Johann Gutenberg invented Printing press


  1. III, II, I & IV
  2. I, II, III & IV
  3. IV, III, II & I
  4. IV, II, III & I



So, the correct answer  is (D): IV, II, III & I 

IV: Johann Gutenberg invented printing process

II: Martin Luther’s writings led to the beginning of Protestant Reformation

III: Menocchio reinterpreted the message of bible

I: Print culture created the conditions for French Revolution


  • Gutenberg perfected the system of printing by the year 1448.
    So, this matches with (IV)
  • Martin Luther wrote 95 These criticizing the practices and rituals of the Catholic church in 1517, After which one copy was posted on a Church door in Wittenberg ( Germany), which led to PROTESTANT REFORMATION .
    So, this matches with (II)
  • Menocchio reinterpreted the message of Bible in the mid 16th century.
    So, this matches with (III)
  • French Revolution took place in 1789 , and it was then that the print culture created conditions for the French Revolution to take place.
    So, this matches with (I)
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Davneet Singh

Davneet Singh has done his B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been teaching from the past 14 years. He provides courses for Maths, Science and Computer Science at Teachoo