‘Honour among thieves’ is considered a popular code.
Examine A Question of Trust as a story woven around this code.
- ‘Honour among thieves’ is a very popular code among thieves despite them doing all the unethical deeds. It is believed that thieves never double cross each other or commit crimes against each other .
- They would even be inclined to help rather than betray each other.
- The protagonist of ‘ A question of trust ’, Horace Danby was careful and meticulous in his theft which he conducted once a year and didn’t anticipate the role of the lady in red.
- The Lady in red made a fool of Horace and broke the code of honour.
- Despite being a thief herself, she did not follow the code of honour normally existing between two thieves which resulted in Horace Danby going to prison for the first time in his life.
- This made Horace feel betrayed and his trust broke.