English Class 6

Read the conversation given below and report the dialogues between Sonu and Monu by completing the passage that follows. Write the answer neatly in your answer sheet:

Sonu: I’m dying, Monu.

Monu: Well, do me a favour after you reach heaven.

Sonu: What do you want me to do?

Monu: Tell me if they play cricket in heaven.

(Sonu dies and Monu sees him in his dream.)

Sonu: There is one good and one bad news for you. The good news is that they play cricket here, and the bad news is that it is your turn to bowl tomorrow!

Sonu told Monu that he was dying. Monu asked Sonu (a) ___________ after he reached heaven. Sonu asked (b) ___________. Monu told Sonu (c) ___________. After his death Sonu came in Monu’s dream and said that there was one good and one bad news for him. The good news was that they played cricket there and the bad one was that it was his turn to bowl the next day.



  • (a) - to do him a favour  
  • (b) - what he wanted him to do  
  • (c) - to tell him if they played cricket in heaven 

Thus the correct paragraph is

Sonu told Monu that he was dying. Monu asked Sonu to do him a favour after he reached heaven. Sonu asked what he wanted him to do . Monu told Sonu to tell him if they played cricket in heaven . After his death Sonu came in Monu’s dream and said that  there was one good and one bad news for him. The good news was that they played cricket there and the bad  one was that it was his turn to bowl the next day.

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo