English Class 7

Arrange the following groups of words into a sentence:

(a) Stone make walls do not a prison.

(b) Money you have shall.

(c) blessed the peacemakers are.

(d) just God’s true and ways are.

(e) The man conscience is who happy has a clear.

(f) were few short the prayers that said we.

(g) Stepped piper the into the street.

(h) a liar I detest

(i) The up went balloon.

(j) It wonderful isn’t.



  • (a) - Stone walls do not make a prison.  
  • (b) - You shall have money.  
  • (c) - The peacemakers are blessed.  
  • (d) - God’s ways are just and true.  
  • (e) - The man who has a clear conscience is happy.  
  • (f) - The few prayers that we said were short.  
  • (g) - The piper stepped into the street.  
  • (h) - I detest a liar.  
  • (i) - The balloon went up.  
  • (j) - Isn’t it wonderful. 
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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo