Convert following binary numbers to octal numbers
(a) 1011010
(b) 10010010
- 1011010
00 1 |
011 |
010 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
Therefore, 1011010 2 = 132 8
- 10010010
0 10 |
010 |
010 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Therefore, 10010010 2 = 222 8
- To obtain the octal equivalent of a binary number, digits of binary number should be divided into groups of three digits starting from the rightmost digit for the integer part and starting from the leftmost digit for the fractional part.
- Convert each group of 3 digits to one octal digit as given in the table below.
- Note: 1 or 2 zeroes can be added before the leftmost digit or after the rightmost digit to make a complete group of 3 bits.