Teachers day was celebrated in your school. The function was presided over by State Education  Minister. A variety programme was organized. Five retired teachers were honoured. Write a report  in 120-150 words on the function. You are Pritam/ Nirmala.



Teacher’s Day Celebration

-By Nirmala

Kanpur, 5 Sep 2021 : Just like every other year, 1️⃣this year too Teacher’s Day was celebrated in our school on 5th of September.

This year, the 2️⃣function was presided over by the state Education Minister. 3️⃣The Head Girl of our school delivered the inaugural speech and welcomed the Chief Guest and all other teachers. She also talked about Dr. Radhakrishnan , sharing certain anecdotes and interesting parts of his life. This was followed by cultural activity such as dancing and singing. A small skit was also performed by the students imitating their favourite teachers .

4️⃣The surprise event of the day was the presence of 5 retired teachers who were specially invited for the day to be felicitated by the state Education Minister. It was a joyous as well as tearful moment for all of us present there.

5️⃣All in all, it was an eventful day enjoyed equally by teachers and students alike.




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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo