History club of your school organized a picnic on a river bank. During the picnic, you observed a  small boat (with two persons on it) sinking. You saw a good swimmer jumping into the river and  rescuing the two persons sailing in the boat. Write a report in 120-150 words on the picnic and  rescue. You are Rohit of 2, Mall Road, Kanpur.



Swimming Hero

-By Rohit

2 Mall Road, Kanpur, 10 March 2021 : Last Sunday, 1️⃣our school organised a picnic on the banks of river Ganga . 2️⃣We were all having a great time singing and dancing and playing. The teachers too joined us and everyone was having great fun . Some other families and groups were also there enjoying the picnic.

3️⃣Suddenly, it was commotion and everyone started shouting . A small boat with two persons on board started sinking in the river . It appeared that both of them could not swim . They were panicking and crying and shouting for help . 4️⃣Suddenly a good Samaritan appeared from the crowd and jumped into the water . The guy managed to rescue both of them.

5️⃣All the people on the bank clapped for the bravery of the guy and thanked them a lot. It was his presence of mind and timely act that saved the day for the two of them.



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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo