18 Gbps is equal to how many bits per second?
Conversion Table:
1 Bps |
8 bps |
1 Kbps |
125 Bps |
1 KBps |
8 Kbps |
1 Mbps |
125 KBps |
1 MBps |
8 Mbps |
1 Gbps |
125 MBps |
1 GBps |
8 Gbps |
From the above table,
1 Gbps=125 MBps = 125*8 Mbps = 125*8*125 KBps = 125*8*125*8 Kbps = 125*8*125*8*125 Bps = 125*8*125*8*125*8 bps = 1,000,000,000 bps = 10 9 bps
Therefore 1 Gbps = 10 9 bps
So, 18 Gbps = 18 * 10 9 bits per second