What is Net Value Added at Market Price?

We know that

GDP at Market Price is equal to Total Value Added by All Sectors/Companies

From this Depreciation is Reduced

So we get Net Value Added at Market Price

Sheet 6.jpg

Example 3

Calculate Net Value Added at Market Price

Particulars Amt in Crores
Sales 90
Closing Stock   25
Opening Stock   15
Indirect Taxes   10
Depreciation 20
Intermediate consumption 40
Purchase of raw material 15
rent 5
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Question 1

Find Net Value Added at Market Price

Particulars Amt in Lakhs
Fixed Capital good with a life span of 5 years 15
Raw Materials 6
Sales 25
Net change in stock -2
Taxes on Production 1
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What is Net Value Added at Market Price? We know that GDP at Market Price is equal to Total Value Added by All Sectors/Companies From this Depreciation is Reduced So we get Net Value Added at Market Price Example 3 Calculate Net Value Added at Market Price Particulars Amt in Crores Sales 90 Closing Stock 25 Opening Stock 15 Indirect Taxes 10 Depreciation 20 Intermediate consumption 40 Purchase of raw material 15 rent 5 -a- -ea- Question 1 Find Net Value Added at Market Price Particulars Amt in Lakhs Fixed Capital good with a life span of 5 years 15 Raw Materials 6 Sales 25 Net change in stock -2 Taxes on Production 1 -a- -ea- NCERT Questions No questions in this part

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo