Question 1 (ii) - CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper for 2022 Boards [Term 2] - English - Solutions to CBSE Sample Paper - English Class 10 - English Class 10
Last updated at April 16, 2024 by Teachoo
Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with a word that means the same from lines 5– 15. If it continues, the workstation (work + vacation) trend will be a powerful boost to domestic tourism operators failing to make progress in the economic slump caused due to the pandemic.
If it continues, the workcation (work + vacation) trend will be a powerful boost to domestic tourism operators
in the economic slump caused due to the pandemic.
Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with a word that means the same from lines 5– 15. If it continues, the workstation (work + vacation) trend will be a powerful boost to domestic tourism operators failing to make progress in the economic slump caused due to the pandemic.
If it continues, the workcation (work + vacation) trend will be a powerful boost to domestic tourism operators languishing in the economic slump caused due to the pandemic.
Made by
Maninder Singh
CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo
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