What is Solar Power or energy?
Energy Derived from the heat of the Sun is called Solar Energy
Power derived from harnessing sun's rays is called solar power
How can Solar Energy be converted into electricity?
Solar energy can be convered into Electricity with the help of photovoltaic cells
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) cells generate electricity by absorbing sunlight and using that light energy to create an electrical current.
Why is Solar Power suitable for India?
India is closer to equator and have large open fields which recieve plenty of sunlight through out the year
India also has shortage of electricity especially in rural areas
Hence, solar energy can be used to provide electricity in remote areas where grid or power lines are either not possible or are very costly
Benefits from Using Solar Energy
1. Free from Pollution
Coal is not burnt to generate electricity, hence it does not cause air pollution
2. Saves Cost
Solar Energy can be used locally and there is no need for expensive grid lines and cables to transmit electricity over large areas
3. Suitable for Remote Areas
Hence, solar energy can be used to provide electricity in remote areas where grid or power lines are either not possible or are very costly
What steps India have taken to increase Power Generation in Rural Areas?
India has encouraged use of Solar energy in villaged by providing Solar Lights and cells in Rural Areas
India is also leading an International body in Solar energy called International Solar Alliance
Other Questions
Question 1
What is Solar energy?
Why is it suitable for India?
View AnswerEnergy Derived from the heat of the Sun is called Solar Energy
Power derived from harnessing sun's rays is called solar power
India is closer to equator and have large open fields which recieve plenty of sunlight through out the year
India also has shortage of electricity especially in rural areas
Hence, solar energy can be used to provide electricity in remote areas where grid or power lines are either not possible or are very costly