All person who do economic activities and contribute to GNP (Gross National product) are called Workers

In this case,there are 2 main activites :

  1. Economic Activities
  2. GNP


Lets learn about it one by one

Meanng of Worker in English and Economics.JPG

Who is Worker in Economics.JPG

What are Economic Activities?

Different Activities carried out in producing goods and services which leads to Generation of Income are called Economic Activities

Economic Activities Meaning activities of Producing Goods and Services which lead to Generation of Income.JPG

Is Factory Worker doing Economic Activity or Factory Owner.JPG


What is GDP and GNP?


It means Gross Domestic Product

It is total monetary value of goods and service produced in India


It means Gross National product

If we add net earning from foreign transactions to GDP

We get GNP

GNP = GDP + Exports - Imports

Difference between GDP and GNP.JPG


Who all are Considered Workers?

All person who do economic activities and contribute to GNP (Gross National product) are called Workers


All Salaried Employes, Casual Labour as well as Self Employed are Workers

Who is a Worker.JPG

Is beggar thief smuggler gambler worker.JPG

Are the following Considered Workers?

  • Farmer
    Yes, He is engaged in Economic Activity of growing crops and earning Income
  • Worker in a Factory
    Yes, He is engaged in producing goods and earning income
  • A Truck driver
    Yes, Even those who provide service to other economic activities are workers
  • Factory Owner
    Yes, Those owning an enterprise are also considered a worker in economic sense
  • Housewife
    Women are involved in lot of work like cooking, looking after children, farm work etc
    However, she is not getting paid for it
    She is not a worker as she is not doing any economic activity and earning income
  • Beggar, Thief, Smuggler, Gambler
    Although they are earning Income
    They are not doing any economic activity
    So they are not considered worker

NCERT Questions

Question 1

Who is a worker?

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Question 3

Are the following workers — a beggar, a thief, a smuggler, a gambler? Why?

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Question 7

Raj is going to school. When he is not in school, you will find him working in his farm.

Can you consider him as a worker? Why?

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Question 9

Meena is a housewife. Besides taking care of household chores, she works in the cloth shop which is owned and operated by her husband.

Can she be considered as a worker? Why?

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Other Books

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Concept 1 - What are Economic Activities? Activities of Producing Goods and Services which lead to Generation of Income Are these Economic Activities? She is giving service which leads to Generation of Income So it is an Economic Activity Teacher Teacher teaching free He is giving service but does not generate income So it is not an Economic Activity Is Factory Owner/Worker doing Economic Activities? Economic Activities means Activities of Producing Goods and Services which lead to Generation of Income He is producing goods which leads to Generation of Income So it is an economic activity He is producing goods which leads to Generation of Income So it is an economic activity He is Owning an enterprise which is producing goods which leads to Generation of Income So it is an economic activity Factory Owner Concept 2 – GDP Vs GNP What is GDP? It means Gross Domestic Product or Domestic income It is total monetary value of goods and service produced in India What is GNP? It means Gross National Product or National Income If we add net earning from foreign transactions to GDP We get GNP This is taken into account while considering person is worker Who is a Worker? All person who do Economic Activities and Contribute to GNP Are these Workers? Housewife No Women are involved in lot of work like cooking, looking after children, farm work etc. However, she is not getting paid for it She is not a worker as she is not doing any economic activity and earning income Beggar, Thief, Smuggler, Gambler No Although they are earning Income They are not doing any economic activity So they are not considered worker

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Maninder Singh

CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 14 years and a teacher from the past 18 years. He teaches Science, Economics, Accounting and English at Teachoo